
What are the services offered by Microsoft Azure?
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Author:  Ridhi [ Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  What are the services offered by Microsoft Azure?

What are the services offered by Microsoft Azure?

Author:  Chirag Sharma [ Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What are the services offered by Microsoft Azure?

Microsoft azure offers an extensive range of services. Microsoft Azure offers running all the three Cloud Computing solutions.

Microsoft Azure offers-

• Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS, Virtual Machines.
• Software as a Service or SaaS Applications.
• Platform as a Service or PaaS, Developer services.

Microsoft Azure also offers Data Platform for Big Data or ML. Microsoft Azure is the Cloud computing platform, built by Microsoft Inc that helps the developers to build, test, deploy and manage applications and services. This is done by a global network, that is supported by several Microsoft data centers, located in different important locations in the world.

Microsoft Azure is a Cloud computing platform, which is very cost efficient in pricing. Microsoft Azure also offers a unique feature of real time auto scaling, which especially suits the business needs of the users.

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