
Suggestions to learn, AWS-Google cloud or Microsoft Azure?
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Author:  Smriti [ Tue Nov 20, 2018 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Suggestions to learn, AWS-Google cloud or Microsoft Azure?

What are the suggestions of what to learn, AWS-Google cloud or Microsoft Azure?

Author:  Aalka [ Tue Nov 20, 2018 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Suggestions to learn, AWS-Google cloud or Microsoft Azur

This is a very interesting question. Again, the answer to this question lies in the individual’s personal career objectives and her/his job requirements.

All these three Cloud technologies are giants in Cloud market. Each of these companies has its own specialties for its tremendous success.

Amazon web Services is the oldest Cloud hosting service provider company and commands maximum market share in the Cloud domain or market. It has maximum number of customers in the world. The job postings for Amazon Web Services professionals is definitely the most, for obvious reasons.

Therefore, this question can be answered, considering prospects of Job finding and Career growth, with Relevancy to technology.

Each of these three companies have its unique features. AWS is having about 80% of the market share, Azure is advancing closely behind, Google Cloud may be bit slow but it also has great features to offer to its users.

Going for any of the Cloud services is wise, but AWS has maximum job prospects right now.

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