
The Usefulness Of A Dedicated IP Address
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Author:  Nishant Singha [ Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:27 pm ]
Post subject:  The Usefulness Of A Dedicated IP Address

The Usefulness Of A Dedicated IP Address

Author:  Gaurav Mani [ Fri Mar 23, 2018 4:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Usefulness Of A Dedicated IP Address

Internet Protocol or IP is a unique address that is assigned to a computer connected to a certain network. It is basically a unique identifier used to provide the valid location of a machine or website in a network.

IP address is a virtual web address. A dedicated IP address means that the owner has complete and exclusive use of that particular address. That means no sharing with any other user. The biggest benefit of a dedicated IP address is safety from several issues. Let’s say that a spammer shares the same IP address as you. In case his site is blacklisted, yours will face the same on account of having the same IP address. Thus, with a dedicated IP address, you can rest assured about remaining unconcerned about the activities of other users, even if they share the same server as you.

Yet another benefit is site efficiency. With a dedicated IP address, your site’s performance will enhance manifold, along with faster handling of site traffic from the server. The compatibility with some old versions of browsers also increases.

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